
COLFA FTT Affinity Group “To better integrate FTTs into the fabric of the college.”


Welcome to the website for the COLFA FTT Affinity Group at The University of Texas at San Antonio. This website is here to serve as a resource to inform you of our mission and activities planned throughout the academic year.

Mission Statement

Our mission is fostering community for Fixed Term Track (FTT) faculty in the College of Liberal and Fine Arts and to integrate FTT faculty into the fabric of our college. The COLFA FTT Affinity Group accomplishes these goals by providing resources, promoting curriculum development, and developing networks for the retention and advancement of FTT faculty. The COLFA FTT Affinity Group will provide support for COLFA FTT by advancing awareness of University resources, teaching awards, and conferences. In addition, The COLFA FTT Affinity Group will foster a community of fellowship and friendship. This mission is in accordance with the University’s core values of encouraging “an environment of dialogue and discovery, where integrity, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration and innovation are fostered.” (UTSA Core Values)

UTSA's Support of Affinity Groups

See UTSA's Inclusive Excellence Statement for more information about Affinity Groups.

Join Our Group!

Calendar of Events

Upcoming Event:

Past Events:


  • Deborah Moon: Department of Anthropology; deborah.wagner@utsa.edu
  • Jennifer Dilley: Department of History; jennifer.dilley@utsa.edu
  • Jodi Peterson: Department of History; jodi.peterson@utsa.edu


Created with images by hkama - "a couple of poppy flowers poppy poppy" • MabelAmber - "dock feet footwear" • image4you - "work workplace office" • jirsak - "Coach motivate to personal development and jump for opportunities"